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Chronicle names new trustees

Three Christians with experience in media, education and business recently were named to The Christian Chronicle’s Board of Trustees.

They join a group of 13 fellow members of Churches of Christ to provide leadership, oversight and support for the international newspaper and its mission to inform, inspire and unite by providing “real news that honors God.”

The new trustees are:

Andrew Benton

Andrew Benton

Andrew Benton, president emeritus of Pepperdine University. 

A native of Kansas and Oklahoma, Benton graduated from Oklahoma Christian University and earned a law degree from Oklahoma City University before joining the staff of Pepperdine in Malibu, Calif. He served as the university’s seventh president from 2000–2019 and is the longest-serving person to hold the office. He and his wife, Debby, recently returned to Oklahoma to be close to grandchildren.

“Our return home has been just delightful,” Benton said. “I am honored to serve The Christian Chronicle and pray that it will be strengthened and that our fellowship will be encouraged and supported.”

Taneise Perry, advertising executive and entrepreneur. 

Taneise Perry

Taneise Perry

Perry is an account supervisor at a Charlotte, N.C. advertising agency and also operates K. Perry Media, which offers social media management, website development and media services. She is a graduate of the University of Texas at Arlington and has worked in the advertising industry for 17 years. 

Perry co-founded Be Glam and Grace, which seeks to “inspire teen girls and support young women still navigating through life’s path” in a “world of unholiness and unrealistic physical standards,” she said. 

She also operates an online apparel company, Church Pew Slay. She and her husband, Kevin, worship with the Kingdom Church of Christ in Charlotte.

The Christian Chronicle was a staple in my grandparents’ home and continues to be an influential voice and resource,” Perry said. “I’m honored to hold this position and am fortunate to work with other dedicated board members and an incredibly passionate staff.”

Joel Reed, executive vice president and general counsel for Stanley Martin Homes in Reston, Va. 

Joel Reed

Joel Reed

Born in Italy to a missionary family, Reed is a graduate of Harding University in Searcy, Ark., and earned a law degree from Duke University in North Carolina. 

He has served as chair of Missions Resource Network’s board of trustees. His wife, Lori, writes curriculum for Ethos, an online program of Greater Atlanta Christian School. They worship with the Fairfax Church of Christ in Virginia.

“I am humbled to become part of the team,” Joel Reed said. “I look forward to dreaming and planning for how The Christian Chronicle will continue to serve our churches for generations to come.”

Filed under: Andrew Benton Board of Trustees Christian Chronicle Joel Reed Partners Taneise Perry Top Stories

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