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Sunday night trends

More feedback from Christians across the United States.

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The Christian Chronicle asked Christians across the nation about Sunday nights.

Here is more of their feedback:

“Sunday night is really Sunday morning ‘lite’ in my opinion. Other than the singing night or a special presentation (for example, a congregational meeting, special guest), the Sunday night attendance is quite poor. I wish we would do more and plan more for Sunday night services if we are going to have them.” — Ross Mitchell, minister, Fort Walton Beach Church of Christ in Florida

“I think we held on to Sunday nights for too long out of a sense of obligation, even though deep down we knew it was just a tradition. Once we let go, we never regretted it.” — Kerry Jones, minister, Buffalo Gap Church of Christ in Texas

Patrick McCarthy and his wife, Katie Beth, share a hug in the press box overlooking the baseball field at Faulkner University in Montgomery, Ala.

Coach Patrick McCarthy and his wife, Katie Beth, share a hug in the press box
overlooking the baseball field at Faulkner University in Montgomery, Ala.

“We have life groups, and most meet on Sunday night. I think they used to have Sunday evening services, but that was before we placed membership 14 years ago. Life groups have completely grown our relationships with our church family and changed the trajectory of our family’s spiritual lives.” — Katie Beth McCarthy, member, Landmark Church of Christ in Montgomery, Ala.

“While attending twice on Sunday is a decision for local elderships, I cannot see good coming from meeting, studying and worshiping less. Grant it, there are other ways to replace what typically takes place on Sunday night, but to shut down Sunday night with no plans for more teaching and fellowship is, in my judgment, a terrible mistake. I have yet to meet the Christian who spends too much time studying and fellowshipping with God’s people.” — Steve Higginbotham, preacher, Karns Church of Christ in Knoxville, Tenn.

“Our Sunday night died with our oldest members. We let it fade away — probably should have been more intentional.” — Roger Woods, elder, Walled Lake Church of Christ in Michigan

“Our congregation is scattered across a metro area. Getting people to attend Sunday night service was becoming difficult.” — John Rakestraw, elder, Northwest Church of Christ in Westminster, Colo.

“I think it’s a very unfortunate trend for churches to dismiss Sunday evening services. I think it adds to the Scriptural lack of knowledge and increasing influence of secularism among members.” — Park Linscomb, minister, Rock Hill Church of Christ in Frisco, Texas

“I would strongly prefer that churches host some kind of a body life/social activity on Sunday night rather than a repeat of the Sunday morning service. Our life groups do provide communion for those who were not present Sunday morning.” — Dan Cooper, elder, Pitman Road Church of Christ in Sewell, N.J.

“We have a lot of elderly who have trouble driving at night. They don’t come Wednesday nights either, especially in winter.” — Dean Kelly, minister, Highland Home Church of Christ in Alabama

“I focus Sunday nights on those who don’t make it to Sunday mornings. It’s not that I don’t want morning people to show up at night — it’s just that I measure success based on having folks that are unable to come or who are not church people. At least half of our evening worship is that group of non-attenders from the morning.” — Jeff Strite, preacher, Logansport Church of Christ in Indiana

“Personally, I find it sad we have canceled Sunday evenings in so many congregations. We have literally canceled one-third of the opportunities to be together and worship God. How can this make our congregations and individual members stronger in their faith and walk with God? Personally, we attend a Sunday evening worship service at another local congregation.” — Richard Combs, minister, Main Street Church of Christ in Walnut Ridge, Ark.

Lamont Ross

Lamont Ross

“I think it is important for each congregation to consider their ‘why’ for Sunday evening services. If the primary reason for evening worship is something other than worship, then leaders should consider if Sunday evening worship is the best way to accomplish that goal. Often, evening service is a training ground that provides opportunities for youth and newer Christians to lead worship and deliver sermons. Congregations without evening services should still offer training opportunities and develop people to lead the people of God.” — Lamont Ross, minister, Marsalis Avenue Church of Christ in Dallas

“This may not be entirely on topic. However, we changed our Wednesday night Bible study into a weekly churchwide service project called ‘Branch Out’ since the pandemic, and it has been very successful in fulfilling congregants’ spiritual needs, blessing the community and appealing to new Christians.” — Houston Haynes, preaching minister, Centerville Church of Christ in Ohio

BOBBY ROSS JR. is Editor-in-Chief of The Christian Chronicle. Reach him at [email protected].

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