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Voices Only
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Voices only: ‘Shout to the Lord’

Hear a multinational sampling of the popular worship hymn — including voices from California, Zambia and Brazil.

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Welcome to Voices Only, where we search the internet to bring you great a cappella music.

Here are a few a cappella renditions of the well-known worship song “Shout to the Lord,” written by Australian singer-songwriter Darlene Zschech.

The first clip is from Overflow A Capeplla, a group based on the campus of the University of Southern California.

I grew up listening and singing this song and it always speaks to my heart. It is a wonderful praise to the living God. And the book of Psalms overflows with words like the ones on this song.

I want these words to become part of my days and nights, that my mouth might be quick to praise God in every circumstance and moment of my day. I want to “sing for joy at the work of your hand,” as the song says. I sing to the Lord and I rejoice in him!

“Shout for joy to God, all the earth; sing the glory of his name; give to him glorious praise!”Psalm 66.

Here’s a one-man, four-part harmony version of the song from Kaoama, a Michigan-based singer

This second clip is sung by Kaoma Chende, a preacher’s son from the southern African nation of Zambia. He has a lot of gospel songs on his YouTube channel. We’ve featured his work before.

This song is also a prayer. I want my Lord Jesus Christ to be my comfort, my shelter and refuge in the midst of the hardships and the storms of life. It’s in him that we find peace and renewal of strength. In response to that, I want to worship him with all that I am. As Nehemiah said, “Do not grieve, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”

Finally, here’s a version of the song in Portuguese from members of the Church of Christ in Curitiba, Brazil.

What a cappella song do you find especially meaningful? Send us a video link and a short description of what the song means to you. We might use your selection in a future Voices Only.

DANIELA NEVES is a student at Oklahoma Christian University in Oklahoma City. She is a student worker for The Christian Chronicle and a translator for Luso-Africa Mission Partners (LAMP) International. She is from Lisbon, Portugal, and grew up in the Igreja de Cristo Lisboa (Lisbon Church of Christ)

Filed under: a cappella a cappella hymn a cappella Portuguese a cappella worship Brazil Shout to the Lord Voices Only Zambia

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