‘We would sing louder than the shelling’
SOPOT, Poland — “Keep praying, Sasha!” Huddled in a hallway…
ZURICH, Switzerland — I had two years of German at Lipscomb University, and ein bisschen of it has come back as I’ve visited with the Geminde Christi (Church of Christ) in Switzerland’s largest city.
I was honored to preach for the church this morning, sharing information from The Christian Chronicle‘s recent reporting on the war in Ukraine. My dear friends Clyde and Gwen Antwine helped to plant this church decades ago, and I can sense their sweet spirit among the Christians here today. I also got to meet a couple of Ukrainian refugees who are living in Zuirch and starting new lives here.
Here’s a quick video snippet of one of the songs from this morning’s worship service — “O Gott, dir sei Ehre” (“To God be the Glory,” written by Fanny Crosby in 1875).
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