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Children at an orphanage in the Kampong Leng district of Cambodia give thanks “for their daily bread.
Photo via facebook.com/CambodiaChristianMinistries

Around the World: Rice for Cambodian orphans, Mother’s Day gifts in Honduras and more quick takes

Around the World is our monthly rundown of news briefs, links and quotes from Churches of Christ all over the globe. Got an idea for this column? Email Erik Tryggestad at [email protected].

Featured image (above): Children at an orphanage in the Kampong Leng district of Cambodia give thanks “for their daily bread — or, in the Cambodia case, rice,” workers with Cambodia Christian Ministries said in a recent newsletter.

The nonprofit, supported by Churches of Christ, helps support two orphanages in Kampong Leng, a district along the banks of the Tonle Sap river with little road infrastructure. Graduates of the nonprofit’s Cambodian Bible School minister at the orphanages and a nurse provided by the ministry takes care of the orphans’ medical needs. Medical mission teams make regular visits. For more information, see cambodiaministries.org.


A mother and son celebrate with gifts provided by Breaking Chains.

A mother and son celebrate with gifts provided by Breaking Chains.

TEGUCIGALPA — To celebrate Día de la Madre (Mother’s Day) the Breaking Chains ministry gave moms and female staffers a basket of groceries and beauty supplies.

The Mother’s Day treats were a gift from the campus ministry of the Memorial Road Church of Christ in Oklahoma City. The church “also provided an opportunity for our teens to pick out gifts for our female staff,” workers with Breaking Chains reported. “This brought tears to our staff’s eyes as they received them.”

Learn more about the ministry, which serves the homeless and low-income population in this Central American capital, at bchonduras.org.


HYDERABAD — “Pure and undefiled religion” means looking after “orphans and widows in their distress,” according to James 1:27.

Although orphan sponsorship programs abound, initiatives that focus on widows can be harder to find. India Missions, a ministry supported by Churches of Christ, recently launched an “Adopt a Widow” program and is building a database of widows among those served by the ministry. Sponsors provide funds for widows to purchase food, feed their children and launch small businesses.

The loss of a spouse can bring “devastating emptiness,” said Robert Hall of India Missions. In India, “with the loss of a husband and the economic havoc it brings, it can be especially devastating.” For more information, email [email protected] or call (205) 921-3737.

Filed under: Around the World Breaking Chains Cambodia Cambodia Christian Ministries Honduras India india Missions International Memorial Road Church of Christ News Top Stories

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