Christian Chronicle wins 13 national awards from Associated Church Press
The Christian Chronicle's comprehensive coverage of the global COVID-19 pandemic…
COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. — The Christian Chronicle earned top honors this week in the annual journalism contest sponsored by the Evangelical Press Association.
The Chronicle claimed first place for best print newspaper — one of 14 overall awards received by the Oklahoma-based international publication for members of Churches of Christ.
“Solid, in-depth writing,” one judge commented. “The range of interesting article topics was nice. … Overall, the design and content serves the reader and motivates them to turn the page.”
“I love it when the judges acknowledge what I already know about this publication.”
Erik Tryggestad, the Chronicle’s president and CEO, expressed his gratefulness for the award.
“I love it when the judges acknowledge what I already know about this publication,” Tryggestad said. “I hope that doesn’t come across as haughty — because we really are humbled by this recognition.
“We have a small, dedicated team, and we work our hearts out to make this publication one that serves our readers,” he added. “The feedback we get from our readers is enough for me in terms of accolades, but this is pretty nice, too!”
The paper’s website — christianchronicle.org — earned second place for best digital newspaper. ReligionUnplugged.com, where Chronicle editor-in-chief Bobby Ross Jr. writes a weekly column, took first place in the online category.
The Chronicle received first-place honors in three additional categories:
• Personality article for Tryggestad’s “Water and life” profile of Manuel Aquino from Neyba, Dominican Republic.
Manuel Aquino chats with one of his customers as he delivers water to the communities near Neyba.
• Freelance article for correspondent Cheryl Mann Bacon’s feature on Tennessee church members John and Jan Bradley devoting more than a decade to helping Afghans.
• Student writer of the year for former intern Chloé Franklin’s story on “A place to grow and learn about Jesus,” about Carolina Bible Camp in Mocksville, N.C.
Other recognized entries included:
• Article series for “The Post-Pandemic Church” by Tryggestad.
• Article series for “Jan. 6 Capitol riot” coverage by Hamil Harris, Ross and Bacon.
• Editorial for “The unlovable, necessary press” by Elizabeth Smith.
• General article: medium length for “In Canada, a reckoning after remains of 215 Indigenous children are found” by Ross.
Canadians leave shoes and toys on Parliament Hill in Ottawa in memory of the 215 children whose remains were found in British Columbia.
• Humorous article for “Requiem for a passport and a parrot” by Tryggestad.
• Photo feature for “Foreign operations: health care in Honduras” by Audrey Jackson.
• Reporting for stories on abortion by Ross and Kenneth Pybus.
Carlos Rivera prays with patients in the COVID-19 ward of Hospital Regional San Francisco in Juticalpa, Honduras.
• Single photo: candid for “Compassion at capacity” by Jackson.
• Single photo: candid for “Foreign operations: health care in Honduras” by Jackson.
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