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From A to Z, Thanksgiving blessings abound

As I prepare to eat turkey and celebrate my blessings with family and friends, I am thankful for so much.

Such as:

Amens: Isn’t it amazing that God listens to our prayers?

Isn’t it amazing that God listens to our prayers?

Booster shots: My wife, Tamie, and I got ours just recently. Going to the CVS and getting vaccinated is what we like to call Date Night. (We did call and order Tex-Mex on the way home.) 

Chick-fil-A: If my favorite fast-food place didn’t close on Sunday, I might eat a chicken biscuit every day of the week.

Dad: Mine is the best. Trust me on this.

Elephants: My favorite is Gerald from the “Elephant and Piggie” children’s book series by Mo Willems. Not coincidentally, my 3-year-old grandson, Bennett, loves him, too.  

Fingers: My left middle one got a mysterious infection this year, requiring surgery and an expensive medication. It’s still a little crooked (long story), but it’s mostly better. I’m again typing “c,” “d,” “e” and the number 3 without any pain.

Tamie Ross with her granddaughter, Norah.

Tamie Ross with her granddaughter, Norah.

Grandchildren: Bennett and his 6-month-old sister, Norah, bring so much joy to my life. I made so many mistakes with my three children, but I’m really rocking this Papa gig.

Headlines: After 31 years in full-time journalism, I still can’t believe they pay me to put together a newspaper. (Given rising inflation, perhaps I should say I can’t believe how little they pay me to do this. But seriously, I am blessed.)

iPhones: Isn’t it crazy that we can listen to music, play games, take selfies, check email and count steps on a little device that fits in our palm? I’ve even heard a rumor, unconfirmed so far, that you can use it to call people.

Jesus: Jesus is always the right answer. I learned this in Sunday school many years ago.

Kisses: Wife kisses and grandchild kisses are the best kisses. Oh, and Hershey’s Kisses.

Love: I am blessed by family and friends — even adult male friends like Texas preacher Britt Farmer — who are not too shy to say, “I love you.” If we all said these three words more often, the world might be a better place.

Mom: Mine is the best. Trust me on this.

Nacho Cheese Doritos: Just keeping it real. And I’ll go ahead and make a shoutout, too, for my friends Cheetos and Funyuns.

“If we all said these three words more often, the world might be a better place.”

Oklahoma Sooners football: I’m not a diehard fan, but I do enjoy watching the games. (I wrote the original version of this column before the Sooners’ Nov. 13 loss to Baylor. I did not enjoy that game so much.)

Pizza: You know what? I’m starting to wonder if I should have eaten lunch before writing this column.

Quotations: Hey, I’m a journalist. Quotes are one of our favorite things. This quote from Jesus (found in John 16:33) is comforting amid the ongoing pandemic: “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”

Rabbits: Tamie and I have two pet rabbits, Pancake and Fritter. They eat an incredible amount of lettuce. My bride feeds the neighborhood bunnies, too, so our yard is a popular place.

Stadiums: I’ve seen games at 19 of the 30 current stadiums for Major League Baseball teams. The rest of the ballparks — including Wrigley Field in Chicago — are on my bucket list. 

Bobby Ross Jr. with his grandson, Bennett, at Globe Life Field in Arlington, Texas.

Bobby Ross Jr. with his grandson, Bennett, at Globe Life Field in Arlington, Texas.

Texas Rangers: Supposedly, my beloved Rangers, who have struggled in recent years, are ready to spend big money this winter to sign top free agents. I endorse this plan.

Underdogs: I’m excited to see the new movie “American Underdog: The Kurt Warner Story” when it comes out this Christmas.

Vegetables: If you know me, you will understand the humor here. I don’t eat a lot of green things. My favorite vegetable: macaroni and cheese.

Writing: I love writing. Or more precisely, I love having written. The actual writing part remains a challenge. As Red Barber put it, “Writing is easy. Just sit down, and open a vein.” 

Xanthophyll: This is, as I’ve just learned from Googling, the yellow coloring in yellow autumn leaves. I like those, not to mention orange, red and brown leaves in the fall, so let’s go with this. (Confession: The pickings are slim on “x” words.)

You: No, really. If you’ve read this far, you are a blessing to me and The Christian Chronicle. I am grateful for you.

Zoo: Bennett loves the alpacas, the giraffes, the monkeys and the zebras. And the elephants, too. But I already mentioned them.

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. Be blessed this holiday season.

BOBBY ROSS JR. is Editor-in-Chief of The Christian Chronicle. Reach him at [email protected].

Filed under: Bennett Ross bobby ross Jr Inside Story Norah Opinion Ross family Tamie Ross Thanksgiving Top Stories

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