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Busy families can find time for meaningful devotionals

We all have heard the disturbing statistics, and we know the people affected. Young adults are walking away from the faith in droves as parents agonize over how they will implant lasting faith in their children at a time like this.

Darren T. Williamson. The Family Worship Guide: A Handbook for the Christian Home. Keledei Publications, 2020. 152 pgs.

Darren T. Williamson. The Family Worship Guide: A Handbook for the Christian Home. Keledei Publications, 2020. 152 pgs.

Darren T. Williamson offers a wonderful tool with his book The Family Worship Guide: A Handbook for the Christian Home.”

Williamson, the founding director of the Northwest School of Discipleship in Tigard, Ore., has ministered in Churches of Christ for nearly 30 years. He notes that God has entrusted parents with a “special and profound” calling to transmit the faith to their children as an intentional part of the family’s everyday fabric of life.

The book’s “How To” section is loaded with practical suggestions and tools that will make any parent’s dream of having solid family worship attainable. Williamson explains the components of family worship — reading the word, recitation of key texts, singing, and praying — with practical suggestions for each area.

The last 54 pages of the book are filled with resources to put meat on the bones of a family’s worship time, including worship guides, discussion questions, Bible reading plans, and songs.

“The Family Worship Guide” arrives at a propitious time. Because of today’s busy lifestyles, more important responsibilities too easily fall between the cracks. Anecdotal evidence suggests most Christian families today do not have regular worship time together, and parents who want to make this commitment simply feel inadequate. This book addresses both challenges.

MARK THIESEN is preaching minister for the Hazel Dell Church of Christ in Vancouver, Wash. He has served as a missionary in Ukraine and Malawi. He earned a Master of Arts in Religion from Harding School of Theology and a Ph.D. in Theology from Mzuzu University.

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Filed under: family devotionals Opinion Review Reviews The Family Worship Guide

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