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COVID-19 claims lives of numerous members of Churches of Christ

The Christian Chronicle asked readers to share memories of friends and loved ones lost to COVID-19. All of the names here were submitted through a recent survey. Those submitting the memorials confirmed that the person listed died as a result of COVID-19. If you would like to submit an addition to this list please email [email protected].

Doug Johnson

Doug Johnson

3/7/64 – 2/1/21

La Grange Church of Christ, Texas

“Doug was a beloved high school coach and history professor who influenced many students over the years. He also taught church history classes for our congregation,” Scott Elliott, minister for the La Grange Church of Christ, said.


Dwaine Johnson

Dwaine Johnson

11/2/40 — 1/20/21

Baker Heights Church of Christ, Abilene, Texas


Jimmy Don Smith

6/12/56 — 12/21/20

Monterey Church of Christ, Lubbock, Texas


Mark Riggs

Mark Riggs

3/15/53 — 12/14/20

Highland Church of Christ, Abilene, Texas

“Mark was a quiet, gentle, soft spoken, brilliant, loving, devoted, musically talented, kind, forgiving and a lifelong follower of God,” Debbie Riggs said.


Nancy Province

5/12/66 — 12/12/20

Central Church of Christ, Dalton, Ga.

“Kind, quiet and forgiving,” Shay Bingham, a member of the Central church, said.


Sally Jones

6/22/40 — 11/14/20

Central Church of Christ, Dalton, Ga.


Sally Lunn

5/13/28 — 11/30/20

Central Church of Christ, Dalton, Ga.

“She was never sick, never went to the doctor until COVID-19.  Precious lady,” Shay Bingham, a member of the Central church, said.

Bill Russell

4/14/42 — 11/24/20

Central Church of Christ, Dalton, Ga.

“Anyone who knew Bill was truly blessed to have had him in their lives. Bill was for the underdog, the underserved and the underprivileged,” Shay Bingham, a member of the Central church, said.


John Stephen “Jake” MacLeod

Jake MacLeod

Jake MacLeod

12/30/52 — 01/08/21

Southside Church of Christ, Ft. Worth, Texas

“Jake MacLeod was one of the most genuine and loving men that I’ve known,” his cousin, Lynn Jones, said. “He loved the Lord and lived that every day of his life. He spread the Gospel far and wide, building facilities for worship in the Philippines. He loved his family and the Lord mightily.”


Donna Graham

5/30/47 — 12/20/20

Riverside Church of Christ, Burlington, Okla.

“Mom dedicated her life to teaching young people and especially young women,” Douglas Graham said.


Carole Smiley

10/8/49 — 1/9/21

La Habra Church of Christ, Calif.

“She was a loving and caring person. She was a true Christian in her actions and words,” Brandy Lange said.


Jerry Winstead

Jerry Winstead

3/18/38 — 12/29/20

Goodman Oaks Church of Christ, Nesbit, Miss.

“It is not an exaggeration to say that Jerry made the world a better place. He didn’t have to wait for a request for help because he was already busy looking for a way to help. He viewed problems in the world as opportunities to serve and a way for the light of Christ to be seen by others,” Richard Stephens, from the Lebanon Church of Christ in Lebanon, Ind., said.


Russell Slasor

Russell Slasor

Russell Slassor

03/04/28 — 01/25/21

Mount Comfort Church of Christ, Fayetteville, Ark.


Eddie E. Stegall

07/27/59 — 12/13/20

Lakehoma Church of Christ, Mustang, Okla.


Dr. Richard Compton

12/18/53 — 12/3/20

Pennville Church of Christ, Summerville, Ga.


William Horsley

William Ronald Horsley

11/15/35 — 7/27/20

Church of Christ, Columbus, Ohio

“Ron is deeply missed by all family and friends,” Phyllis Horsley said.


Glen Cogburn

6/13/57 — 12/8/20

Bullard Church of Christ, Texas


Wendi Ann (Parrott) Baker

07/15/78 — 12/26/20

Coldwater Church of Christ, Coldwater, Mich.

“She sought to help and lift up all that needed assistance,” said Keith Baker, Wendi’s husband. “She was a friend to many.”


Casey Jones

Casey Jones

01/17/32 — 09/16/20

Collinsville Church of Christ, Collinsville, Texas

“My father in law was a Godly man who raised his family to put God first in all things,” his daughter-in-law, Lynn Jones, said.

Related: An unfathomable toll

James “Jay” Jones

05/28/55 — 11/18/20

Memorial Road Church of Christ, Oklahoma City, Okla.


Connie Thurber

08/25/50 — 11/12/20

Robinson Ave. Church of Christ, Springdale, Ark.


Lois Brawner

04/28/41 — 01/22/21

Robinson Ave. Church of Christ, Springdale, Ark.

Harold Herndon

09/15/40 — 01/17/21

Lake City Church of Christ, Lake City, Fla.

“He was one of the most dedicated Christians, serving the Lord right up until his death,” said his son-in-law, Ricky Clark.


Jack Warford

06/25/42 — 10/22/20

Northeast Church of Christ, Westerville, Okla.


Karen Johnson

09/30/54 — 11/20/20

Longview Church of Christ, Longview, Texas


Velma Evelyn Alsbrooks Taylor

Velma Evelyn Alsbrooks Taylor

03/21/22 — 1/19/21

Highland Oaks Church of Christ, Dallas, Texas

“Evelyn loved God, read her Bible daily and remained faithful until the end,” her daughter, Myra Gordon, said. “Her favorite Scripture was 2 Timothy 1:7.”


Ken and June Sandefur

Ken and June Sandefur

Ken and June Sandefur

01/25/30 — 11/23/20 and 06/20/30 — 11/09/20

Faith Village Church of Christ, Wichita Falls, Texas

“Spreading the Gospel was our dad’s priority, even when his health made it difficult,” Kathy Floyd, Ken and June’s daughter, said. “(My mother) set a Christian example, not by telling others what to do but by her actions.”


Bobbie Lou Cross

01/23/62 — 12/28/20

Greenbank Church of Christ, Wilmington, Del.


William Rector Pace

9/24/1925 – 8/14/2020

Noland Church of Christ, Pocahontas, Ark.

“My dad was a hard-working, self-taught, self-made man who loved his family, his friends, and his neighbors,” his daughter, Sharon Gardner said. “He taught us to put God first in our lives in all things. We never had a lot of worldly riches but were rich in all the important things.”


David Pearl Burns

9/20/1949 – 1/23/2021

Mandrake Road Church of Christ, Madison, Wis.

“He was a calm, good, gentle man,” said Cliff Cunningham, a brother-in-Christ. “He (and his parents) poured countless hours into kitchen service at a local cherished camp, Wisconsin Christian Youth Camp.”

Filed under: Churches of Christ Coronavirus COVID-19 covid19 deaths from COVID-19 Memorials News Obituaries Obituaries People

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