What is a Church of Christ?
'It should be love.” That was Jeff Cash’s answer to the question, “What would you say defines a Church of Christ?” Cash, an American missionary…
'It should be love.” That was Jeff Cash’s answer to the question, “What would you say defines a Church of Christ?” Cash, an American missionary…
In the United States, Churches of Christ are declining. Every three years, 21st Century Christian publishes the directory "Churches of Christ in the United States."…
The Christian Chronicle received 645 responses to our survey, “A closer look at Churches of Christ in the U.S.” So many of our readers blessed…
A total of 645 Christian Chronicle readers took the survey, “A closer look at Churches of Christ in the U.S.” Respondents represented all 50 states…
Millennials, more than the other age groups, focused on worship as they responded to the Chronicle’s survey. A Church of Christ has “a desire to…
As a data collector, Carl Royster said he and his colleagues at 21st Century Christian strive to define Churches of Christ in a way that…
The New Testament took precedence when Christians under age 30 — the smallest demographic of respondents to The Christian Chronicle’s survey — defined Churches of…
Baby boomers used a broad range of terms to describe Churches of Christ — “Bible,” “God,” “Jesus,” “baptism” and “New Testament” being the most prominent…
'Is it a museum, or is it a hospital?” Amy Whitaker asked — displaying the tongue-in-cheek cynicism of Generation X — as she responded to…
Regardless of where they stand on the issues that divide congregations, the survey respondents and reviewers agreed that Churches of Christ should be defined not…