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Jehovah Shalom Acapella
Voices Only
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Voices only: An incredible mash-up of hymns — and a song about COVID-19

Groove along to the warning: "It is a virus very pandemicky"

Welcome to Voices only, your weekly dose of awesome a cappella.

This week we return to East Africa. (We featured this beautiful rendition of “The Blessing” from Uganda a few weeks ago, followed by “Sweet, Sweet Spirit” from a vocal group in Kenya.)

Now we’re back in Uganda with Jehovah Shalom Acapella’s incredible mash-up of classic hymns.  You’ll hear spiritual snippets from “I’ll Fly Away,” “Go Tell it on the Mountain,” “When the Roll is Called Up Yonder” and more. Plus there’s the vacation Bible school favorite “I’ve Got the Joy, Joy, Joy, Joy Down in my Heart.”

Special thanks to the Church of Christ Festic in Lagos, Nigeria, for bringing this video to my attention. (By the way, I’m praying for you and your country, brothers and sisters in Nigeria.)

The guys in Jehovah Shalom have a lot more songs on their YouTube page. They’ve been especially prolific during the pandemic.

They’ve even written an original song about COVID-19.

(Yes, you heard that right. “It is a virus very pandemicky.”)

Here’s a powerful rendition of “How Great Thou Art.”

And here’s a traditional song in their native language, Luanda.

Seriously, there are a ton of great songs on their YouTube page. Give it a look.

And please keep the suggestions coming! Leave links in the comments.

See our full archive of Voices only.

Filed under: a cappella Africa African Christianity African hymn Coronavirus covid COVID-19 East Africa International music video pandemic Uganda Voices Only

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