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Photo of George Floyd holding his Bible provided by Nijalon Dunn

‘I can’t breathe’: A Christian response to George Floyd’s death in Minneapolis

Black ministers and an award-winning investigative reporter join a special Christian Chronicle panel discussion.

‘As a person, I’m outraged. As a city, we’re trying to grieve,” Russell Pointer Sr., minister for the Minneapolis Central Church of Christ, said regarding the death of George Floyd.

Black ministers from six states and an award-winning investigative reporter joined a special Christian Chronicle panel today to discuss Floyd’s death in Minneapolis police custody.

Related: Four lessons for members of Churches of Christ — black and white — outraged by George Floyd’s death.

Watch the full video of the panel below.

Included in the discussion (in order of appearance) are:


Rigel J. Dawson, minister for the Family of Faith Church of Christ in Flint, Mich.

Sammie Berry, senior minister and elder of the Dallas West Church of Christ.

• B. Chris Simpson, minister for the Holmes Road Church of Christ in Memphis, Tenn.

Jerry Mitchell, founder of the Mississippi Center for Investigative Reporting and a member of  of the Skyway Hills Church of Christ in Pearl, Miss.

Hamil R. Harris, Christian Chronicle correspondent and minister for the Glenarden Church of Christ in Maryland

John Edmerson, senior minister for the Church of Christ at the Vineyard in Phoenix.

Filed under: civil rights Dialogue George Floyd human rights Jerry Mitchell Minneapolis National police police brutality Race relations racial reconciliation Racial reconciliation and the church

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