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Editorial: Help keep our ministries alive

We sent the May print edition of The Christian Chronicle arrived to mailboxes two weeks ahead of schedule.

The May 2020 print edition of The Christian Chronicle

The May 2020 print edition of The Christian Chronicle

We’ve reported on COVID-19 for more than two months now. But as the virus became a pandemic and as social-distancing measures were implemented in the U.S., Europe and countries around the world, it became clear to us that we’re living in unprecedented, uncertain times. 

So we decided to move our deadlines forward to bring you stories of vital importance to our fellowship. 

We also wanted to give you encouraging stories and news you can use, from health recommendations to book suggestions. 

And, of course, a crossword puzzle. (If you would like a Bible-based crossword delivered to your mailbox every month, please subscribe.)

In the weeks and months to come, as we work from our kitchen tables and back porches, we will continue to provide up-to-the-minute, real news that honors God through our online products, including our new mobile app for Apple and Android. 

We realize that many of you rely on and cherish print media, so we will continue to produce the “hard copy” of The Christian Chronicle as well.

It won’t be easy. We’re experiencing a drop in advertising revenue as events across our fellowship are canceled. 

If it’s at all possible, we strongly urge you to use your resources to support your congregations and the nonprofits that serve our fellowship. 

Churches are losing vital income every week, and many of our ministries — ministries that help orphans, dig water wells, help rebuild lives after tornadoes — have been forced to cancel the fundraising events that keep them going. We’re doing what we can to help them get their message out.

We also realize that the stock market — and the price of oil — have taken a tumble. Many of our brothers and sisters have lost their jobs. Let’s help them get through this. 

We’re blessed that much of our fundraising happens through the U.S. Postal Service. (Yes, we’re talking about those letters you get from us — many, many times!) We’re thrilled to announce that our recent matching campaign met its goal. Now we’re looking to finish the fiscal year strong on May 30 so that we can stay afloat during the uncertain summer months. Any funds you can commit to help us are greatly appreciated. 

We’re inspired by the stories you’ve sent us this month as you discover new, creative ways to serve others during this pandemic.

Please keep the good news coming, and keep sharing the Good News.

— Erik Tryggestad, president and CEO

Filed under: Coronavirus COVID-19 Editorial Opinion pandemic Top Stories

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