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Newsmakers, April 2020


Cecil May Jr., retired dean of the V. P. Black College of Biblical Studies at Faulkner University in Montgomery, Ala. Herald of Truth Ministries hosted a luncheon during Faulkner’s annual Bible Lectureship recognizing May for “his life of service to the Kingdom of God.”  Herald of Truth has established the Dr. Cecil May Ministry Endowment with a goal of $50,000. For more information, see heraldoftruth.org/cecilmay.

Cecil May Jr., bottom right, with his wife and children at a luncheon honoring him at Faulkner University in Montgomery, Ala.

Cecil May Jr., bottom right, with his wife and children at a luncheon honoring him at Faulkner University in Montgomery, Ala.

Rick Odell, youth minister for the West Ark Church of Christ in Fort Smith, Ark. He received the Wally Wilkerson Award. 


Jonathan Villaman, bilingual ministry intern for the South Walker Church of Christ in Oklahoma City. 


Bill Clary, Art Cornell and David Smith, Lakeside Church of Christ in Springfield, Ill.


Patricia Wood, seventh-grade math teacher at Lipscomb Academy in Nashville, Tenn. She received the Teacher of the Year Award from the National Christian School Association.

Patricia Woods works with her students at Lipscomb Academy in Nashville, Tenn.

Patricia Woods works with her students at Lipscomb Academy in Nashville, Tenn.

Filed under: Milestones News

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