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Review: Beautiful Interference

Tough, current-day issues facing our families require ‘Beautiful Interference’

When one of their sons told them of his same-sex attraction, minister Tim Hall and his wife, Robin, learned to love in spite of tension and discomfort.

Tim Hall. Beautiful Interference: Learning to Love God with All Your Heart, Soul, Mind, and Strength. Sisters, Ore.: Deep River Books LLC, 2019. 112 pages.

Tim Hall. Beautiful Interference: Learning to Love God with All Your Heart, Soul, Mind, and Strength. Sisters, Ore.: Deep River Books LLC, 2019. 112 pages.

In Beautiful Interference: Learning to Love God with all Your Heart, Soul, Mind and Strength,” Hall discusses how he and his wife have chosen to walk with their son. They also describe how they have used their story to open their home to helping other parents discover how to navigate when their children come out to them.

That’s just one example of the personal stories — both heartwarming and real — that Hall shares. For those who have discovered that life is filled with twists and turns — and that our hoped-for lives don’t always come to fruition — this is a must-read book. 

Hall, lead minister for the Crosspoint Church of Christ in Grand Prairie, Texas, uses Jesus’ words in Mark 12:30-31 to unpack what it could look like to love God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength and in doing so, love those around you. This is a text that Jesus says is most important, so better understanding it will help any Christian with their everyday walk.

Hall connects biblical truths to present-day challenges and social situations in which families find themselves. He reminds us that there are no easy answers to all of life’s dilemmas, but with God’s Word and a heart for him, you can overcome.

“Beautiful Interference” is a reminder that we cannot do the faith walk alone. We need help and support from other believers.

Hall uses his personal story, wrapped in Scripture, to refocus us on a daily walk toward Jesus. This incredibly insightful book is easy to read and easy to restate and discuss in a Bible study — although it is not always easy to carry out in everyday life what’s stated in the book.

“Beautiful Interference” is a reminder that we cannot do the faith walk alone. We need help and support from other believers. Hall reminds us that we are built to live in community. Following that idea, we can help each other bear burdens, celebrate joy and help others come to know the risen Savior.

This is a book about a family that is trying to do the right thing. The minister and his wife love God and each other, although they have faced some challenges that no doubt you have as well. 

Hall describes his early life, including his walk away from church culture and Jesus to make selfish decisions. But then he found his way back to Jesus. He felt the grace and forgiveness of Jesus Christ. He recommitted his life to God and has been doing Kingdom work for over a quarter of a century. By allowing Jesus to use him, he writes, others have learned how to make better decisions.

His stories offer direction when life throws us a curve ball. This book can bring Christian families together to have open discussions on current-day issues. It also provides support for parents who are working to meet the spiritual, physical and emotional needs of their children while trying to hold their marriage together. 

John Scroggins

John Scroggins

When we truly love, all things are possible. 

Becoming a parent and rearing a family are challenging. Making the best choices in life can be an incredible experience. Discovering God’s plan for you is so good. And not having all the answers is scary, but with God’s guidance, one can navigate whatever life throws your way.

Hall’s book will give you courage to face the challenges of learning how to give unconditional love, following Jesus’ example. 

“Beautiful Interference” will make you laugh, cry and discover that following Jesus is the decision you can make. Hall’s challenge is to love God and people, no matter the circumstance, with all your heart, soul, mind and strength.

John Scroggins is an educational consultant who holds an Education Doctorate Degree. He is an elder of the CrossPoint Church of Christ in Grand Prairie, Texas. 

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Filed under: Beautiful Interference Church of Christ Features gay homosexuality homosexuality and Christianity love minister parents Review Reviews

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