Newsmakers, February 2020
Larry Jurney, Dawn Shelton and Mark Thomas, with Oasis in the Desert Awards. The awards, given by Oklahoma Christian University, recognize people fighting to provide journalism in smaller communities in the state.

Larry Jurney, Dawn Shelton and Mark Thomas show off their Oasis in the Desert Awards from Oklahoma Christian.
Jurney is an Oklahoma Christian communications professor. Thomas is executive director of the Oklahoma Press Association. Shelton is founder of the Luther Register newspaper.

Linda Bonnin
Linda Bonnin, as senior vice president for marketing and strategic communications at Abilene Christian University in Texas.
Philip L. Smith, as chief operating officer for Mission Lazarus, based in Nashville, Tenn.
Michael Jackson, as vice president and academic dean at Heritage Christian University in Florence, Ala.
Alea Mitchell, first in engineering in a regional science fair in North Carolina. She attends the Wilkesboro Church of Christ.

Alea Mitchell, 13, poses with her science fair project, which took top regional honors.