Photo Friday: Trunks and treats … no tricks
On our Facebook page, we asked readers to submit photos from their congregation's Trunk or Treat activities or fall festivals. Here's a sampling: Here's a…
On our Facebook page, we asked readers to submit photos from their congregation's Trunk or Treat activities or fall festivals. Here's a sampling: Here's a…
ILLUSTRATION BY DAN McGREGOR In my Associated Press days, I wrote about a church that developed a “Holy Huddle” program to combat people leaving services…
Representatives of Lubbock Christian University in Texas talk to potential students during College Day at the Highland Oaks Church of Christ in Dallas. (PHOTO BY…
Welcome once again to Voices-only Wednesday. This occasional feature highlights the best a cappella videos that come across our eyes — and ears — on…
In a feature titled "Under a bridge, come to the feast," The Christian Chronicle highlighted the Night Light Tulsa homeless ministry organized by Park Plaza Church…
On a recent Sunday morning, elder Lindsey Champion and his wife, Joy, worshiped, as always, with the Cadiz Church of Christ in western Kentucky. Preacher…
A view of the Oct. 23 partial solar eclipse from Wichita, Kan. (PHOTO BY MARK YEAKLEY) Truly, God's glory cannot be eclipsed. But the sun…
“And God is able to provide you with every blessing in abundance, so that by always having enough of everything, you may share abundantly in…
Anniversaries Alfred and Doris Morris, 65th Richmond, Ky. Glen and Barbara Little, 55th Greenville, Texas Don and Linda Young, 50th Newcastle, Okla. Birthdays Catherine Masengale,…
NORCROSS, Ga. — Terry Davis found Jesus on a “JOY bus.” Growing up in a housing project on Atlanta’s south side, Davis slept on the ground…