They’ll need it: Auburn Church of Christ preaches humility after Iron Bowl victory
This Sunday's sermon title at the Auburn Church of Christ in Alabama caught the attention of Yahoo! Sports: With the biggest Iron Bowl in recent…
This Sunday's sermon title at the Auburn Church of Christ in Alabama caught the attention of Yahoo! Sports: With the biggest Iron Bowl in recent…
From a young age, girls are bombarded with powerful media messages — through song lyrics and videos, advertisements, dramatized stories and social media interactions —…
Paul Brazle, far left, of Antwerp, Belgium, Tamika Rybinski, far right, of Vienna, Austria, and fellow Christians chat during a break at the Euro-American retreat.…
The Christian Chronicle is tweeting. Please follow us on Twitter — @InformInspireCC We'll try very hard to contain ourselves to 140 charact
FOR MEN Colt McCoy and Matt Carter. The Real Win: A Man's Quest for Authentic Success. Colorado Springs, Colo.: Multnomah Books, 2013. 224 pages, $19.99.…
Occasionally I begin to grow weary of congregational worship. I feel like I have sung these same songs a thousand times. The prayers seem to…
Put down your duck calls and grab a box of tissues. In a 30-minute video for the I Am Second series, three generations of Robertsons,…
The realization that the Muslim community is growing rapidly in the U.S., along with the impact of Islam on our daily life, has generated more…
Relieve. Rebuild. Restore. Renew. Those are the goals of Churches of Christ — across the Philippines and around the world — as they face the…
Relieve. Rebuild. Restore. Renew. Those are the goals of Churches of Christ — across the Philippines and around the world — as they face the…