Homeless man, Michigan members chat in Detroit park
Joshua Graves, left, and Andy Turner, right, from the Rochester, Mich., church visit with a homeless man whom Graves nicknamed “Professor Jack.” The congregation ministers…
Joshua Graves, left, and Andy Turner, right, from the Rochester, Mich., church visit with a homeless man whom Graves nicknamed “Professor Jack.” The congregation ministers…
FEBRUARY4-9 Freed-Hardeman Bible Lectureship. 71st annual. Henderson, Tenn. Contact www.fhu.edu or. 9-10 NewLife Behavior Prison/Jail Ministry Workshop. Buck Griffith and H.M. Motsinger are featured speakers.…
A colorful cast of characters from the Payap Christian Zone church in Chiang Mai, Thailand, gathers after graduation ceremonies at Payap University. Six church members…
Literacy Lunches helps immigrant workers OKLAHOMA CHRISTIAN UNIVERSITY Mwaru Kiarie Kariuki, a Kenya native, once relied on English skills he taught himself. But a new…
GROWTH James Emery White. A Mind for God. Downer’s Grove, Ill.: Intervarsity, 2006. ISBN; 125 pages; $12;. Reading, learning and reflection are central to transformation.…
For the past five years, church members in Kenya have been praying for rain. Now they're praying for it to stop. The worst flooding in…
Church members in the Philippines have traveled around the globe with MARCH for Christ, a ministry that helps victims of natural disasters. Recently, however, they've…
Kenya - The Poplar Avenue church in Wichita, Kan., is collecting funds to help members of the Ring Road church in Kisumu, Kenya, distribute aid…
Tennessee State Trooper Calvin Jenks, a member of the Culleoka, Tenn., church, “loved serving the public,” said his father, Norm Jenks. That love of service…
The birth of a handicapped child sent me back to study the problem of human suffering. I had plenty of answers until Chet came, and…