The Parable of the Talents Matching Fund: Contribute to the Chronicle’s 2024 campaign
You know the story.
A master gives three of his servants money to manage for him. Two of the servants are productive. They multiply the blessings given to them and receive praise — and more blessings — from the Master. The third servant simply buries the money, doing nothing with it. He is punished.
Jesus’ parable from Matthew 25 is about good stewardship and multiplying our resources. And now the Parable of the Talents Matching Fund doubles any gift you give, dollar for dollar, up to $100,000. Thanks to the generous gifts provided by a few of our closest friends, you’re doing twice as much for our fellowship and for The Christian Chronicle.
Please give before March 31 to see your gift double in impact with the Parable of the Talents Matching Fund.