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Women in the church

Find links to all the stories in The Christian Chronicle's in-depth package.

Hey, we get it.

We know the debate over women’s roles in Churches of Christ is sensitive and emotional for many readers — on all sides of the issue.

Here at The Christian Chronicle, we believe Christians must engage in full, open dialogue. That’s the motivation behind our in-depth package of stories on this topic. We have done our best to report on this subject in a fair, accurate and insightful manner.

As always, we welcome feedback that promotes thoughtful and respectful discussion.

Here are links to all the articles:

The big picture: Women’s roles are a divisive issue but not a new one. By Cheryl Mann Bacon.

Christa Sanders Bryant with elders Ralph Rogers, Wiley Collins, Chris Parker and Andy Bennett at the New York Avenue Church of Christ in Arlington, Texas. The congregation’s other elder, Charles Hervey, was teaching an adult Bible class.

Christa Sanders Bryant with elders Ralph Rogers, Wiley Collins, Chris Parker and Andy Bennett at the New York Avenue Church of Christ in Arlington, Texas. Bryant is pursuing a graduate degree in theology but has no plans to teach or preach in a mixed-gender setting.

Should women preach in a mixed-gender setting?: This graduate theology student — one of four sisters and the mother of five girls — doesn’t think so. By Bobby Ross Jr.

The journey that led a Church of Christ to appoint female elders: “It needs to be the whole body,” Sheila Bost says of men and women leading and preaching. By Bobby Ross Jr.

Rachel Halbert prays at the Culver Palms Church of Christ, a gender-inclusive congregation on the west side of Los Angeles.

Rachel Halbert prays at the Culver Palms Church of Christ, a gender-inclusive congregation on the west side of Los Angeles.

Women’s roles in the future church: Five Christian women share their views on the Bible’s teaching, tradition and Jesus’ call for unity. By Erin Floyd.

Egalitarian vs. complementarian: Defining the terms of the gender-role debate. By Cheryl Mann Bacon.

Thinking theologically about gender: ACU Bible dean tries to leave churches with three guiding principles. By Cheryl Mann Bacon.

Staff editorial: In discussion of women’s roles, is there a middle path?

BOBBY ROSS JR. is Editor-in-Chief of The Christian Chronicle. Reach him at [email protected].

Filed under: complementarian egalitarian gender inclusive gender issues and Christianity gender roles Inside Story National News Top Stories women in the church women's roles

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