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‘Go, go, go!’ In Southeast Asia, new generations of Christians are on the move

Putting aside doctrinal arguments of the past, young believers are taking the Gospel to lost souls throughout the region.

SINGAPORE — From this small island, sandwiched between Malaysia and Indonesia, you can go almost anywhere in Southeast Asia.

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Christians in Singapore are doing just that — with Bibles in their hands and on their phones.

Though still the minority in countries dominated by Buddhist and Muslim faiths, Christianity has grown tenfold in the Asia-Pacific region in the past century, the Pew Research Center for Religion and Public Life reports.

Members of Churches of Christ — planted among colonial brick buildings a half-century ago by missionaries from the U.S. — are boarding planes to serve as missionaries themselves, healing the sick, feeding the hungry and reaching lost souls in Cambodia, Vietnam — even China.

Mit Vikraman grew up in a Church of Christ in Malaysia and now worships with the Moulmein Church of Christ in Singapore. 

Instead of dwelling on the disputes — doctrinal and financial — that plagued congregations here in decades past, “the atmosphere among churches is, it’s time to go, go go!” he said. “It’s a really good time to be here.”

Filed under: Headlines - Secondary International News

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