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Dino Roussos leads Tim and Demi-Leigh Tebow on a tour of Corinth.
Photo provided by Dino Roussos

When Tebow met Dino

Sports celebrity, humanitarian gains new insight about Paul’s journeys as he tours Greece with a Church of Christ minister.

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During their big, fat Greek vacation this summer, Tim and Demi-Leigh Tebow took time to explore historic sites mentioned in the Bible — and to learn new lessons about Scripture.

The Heisman-winning quarterback for the Florida Gators, now a sports broadcaster and humanitarian, and his former Miss Universe wife made stops in Athens and Corinth. Dino Roussos, minister for the Glyfada Church of Christ in Athens, served as their tour guide.

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While in Corinth, the Tebows took note of Acrocorinth, the monolithic rock that towers over the ancient city, once visited by the apostle Paul, as recorded in Acts 18.

“All over the hill, there are massive fortified walls because it was a great defense position for several civilizations throughout history,” Tim Tebow wrote in a social media post.

The Acrocorinth could have been the visual Paul had in mind when he wrote 2 Corinthians 10:3-5: “The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish arguments and every pretension that sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we take captive every thought to make it obedient to Christ.”

Dino Roussos leads Tim and Demi-Leigh Tebow on a tour of Corinth.

Dino Roussos leads Tim and Demi-Leigh Tebow on a tour of Corinth.

“In Christ, we have divine power to take control of our thoughts, pull down the lies and ‘strongholds’ we believe and replace them with the voice of truth!” Tebow wrote. “You don’t have to reinforce mental ‘walls’ that need to come down.”

Tebow has spoken at benefits for ministries and universities associated with Churches of Christ. Congregations including the West-Ark Church of Christ in Fort Smith, Ark., have participated in the Tim Tebow Foundation’s “Night to Shine,” prom-like events for people with special needs.

WEBSITE: timtebowfoundation.org

Acrocorinth, Corinth, Greece

Filed under: Apostle Paul Bible lands Corinthians faith and football International News Tim Tebow Tim Tebow Foundation Top Stories

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