Editorial: The challenge now — care for the children
When The Christian Chronicle’s Editorial Board meets each month, we…
Members of The Christian Chronicle’s Editorial Board responded individually to questions about the U.S. Supreme Court’s overturn of Roe v. Wade, the 1973 decision that legalized abortion nationwide.
Related: Editorial: The challenge now — care for the children
As a reminder, the Editorial Board collaborates on the newspaper’s editorial each month. The group is a mix of full-time Chronicle staff members and volunteer contributors. Positions taken represent the Editorial Board’s consensus and do not necessarily reflect the opinion of the paper’s Board of Trustees.
Editorial Board members are Cheryl Mann Bacon, correspondent; Jeremie Beller, opinions editor and minister; John Edmerson, minister and songwriter; Gabriel Grant Huff, intern; Audrey Jackson, associate editor; Trindi G. Mitchell, writer and avid reader; Bobby Ross Jr., editor-in-chief; and Erik Tryggestad, president and CEO.
Cheryl Mann Bacon
“Some of our church-supported agencies that facilitate adoption and foster care face greater opportunities than ever before. I hope many Christians will choose to support mothers and children through financial gifts and personal decisions for adoption and foster care and by providing a safety net of healthcare, nutrition and childcare.” — Cheryl Mann Bacon
“Any event that moves our world toward a greater appreciation for life should be welcomed and celebrated. This decision creates opportunities to speak out for life in new ways. I am hopeful that our response will be shaped more on the teachings of Jesus rather than political talking points.” — Jeremie Beller
John Edmerson
“I am hopeful that after the decision overturning Roe v. Wade, Christians will answer the call of compassion. Lately, we’ve had several moments to show concern for others. The overturn of Roe v. Wade provides a great opportunity to demonstrate listening and positivity. Our world needs more of both.” — John Edmerson
“The ruling gives more rights to unborn infants who don’t get to choose life or death. That’s what gives me hope. But the decision also takes that choice away from women who disagree and are now in turmoil. Regardless of the decision, there were always going to be losers.” — Gabriel Grant Huff
Audrey Jackson
“The difficult conversations taking place between friends and families give me hope that we will challenge our understanding of what it means to truly love and support those in vulnerable circumstances.” — Audrey Jackson
“As a Christian, my greatest hope after the Supreme Court’s decision regarding Roe v. Wade is that the churches of Christ will be the light and lead the way with humility and compassion toward ‘the least of these.’” — Trindi Mitchell
Bobby Ross Jr.
“God is in control. God is bigger than any Supreme Court decision, whether I personally applaud the ruling or take issue with it. At the end of the Book, God wins. Specifically, I pray this case results in Christians — and our nation in general — becoming more pro-life across the board.” — Bobby Ross Jr.
“I’ve heard stories about mothers who were given the option to abort but chose to have their children instead. One such child is Zamir ‘Zeus’ White, who helped my Georgia Bulldogs win their first national title in football in 41 years. I pray that, as a result of this ruling, we hear more stories like his.” — Erik Tryggestad
“Radical lawmaking by some state legislatures, supported by many who claim to be Christian, has ignored medical advice and decades-old conservative norms. Women with life-threatening complications and women who are victims of rape and incest are now at greater risk. Christians must become pro-life for these women as well. — Cheryl Mann Bacon
Jeremie Beller
“I am concerned the decision could lead to more abortions and more harm to women and children as some states enact extreme measures on either side of the issue. Our calling to serve ‘the least of these’ has not changed with this ruling, it has been underscored.” — Jeremie Beller
“Life provides us with moments wherein we can live out our faith and exhibit a better side of Christianity. My concern is that we will allow the Roe v. Wade decision to confuse our response and make it about other concerns. May we seek to demonstrate wisdom and genuine care for all.” — John Edmerson
Gabriel Grant Huff
“My concerns are largely linked to the response of Christians who are anti-abortion. They have an unfortunate reputation of lacking compassion toward those who disagree with them (although this certainly does not apply to everyone). This is the time for Christians to aid women facing undesired pregnancies.” — Gabriel Grant Huff
“I worry the overturning of Roe v. Wade may result in a political fight over the country’s morality rather than a tangible, compassionate response from Christians supporting systems for people in difficult circumstances with varying socioeconomic backgrounds and religious beliefs. Christians were never called to persecute or prosecute.” — Audrey Jackson
Trindi Mitchell
“While considering the response of Christians, I — as an African-American woman living in the United States — am fearful of other landmark decisions made by the Supreme Court being overturned, especially in regard to civil and voting rights legislation.” — Trindi Mitchell
“My heart hurts when I receive nasty messages from Christians who seem more concerned about their political leanings than loving God and their neighbors. I’m concerned some Christians might celebrate a court victory while failing to love and support babies born into desperate situations. I hope I’m wrong.” — Bobby Ross Jr.
Erik Tryggestad
“Was it worth the price we paid? Maybe it was. But could it have been accomplished without the the division, the nastiness, the ill will that’s resulted? Sad. Now we can’t just wipe our hands and move on. Abortion is a symptom of much bigger problems. We must address these issues with Christ’s love.” — Erik Tryggestad
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