Fifty years after historic meeting, race still divides Churches of Christ
In the summer of tumultuous 1968, more than 40 prominent black and white ministers gathered to discuss ways to improve race relations in Churches of…
Newspaper celebrates life, legacy of ‘The Missionary who Stayed Home’ • In midst of war, paper showed great optimism • ‘We still have two brotherhoods’ • My life in the pews, black and white • Generation Z is plugged in, but do they spiritually Contribute? • A chronicler’s daughter shares memories • Missions canceled amid ‘fear and uncertainty’ • ‘The sky began raining ash’ • ‘To work ourselves out of a job’ • The words that tear us down — and build us up — begin with ‘You are’ • Gather facts before picking up stones • An abused grandmother’s dying requests: Study your Bible and learn how to forgive • Mourning a man who made words dance • Minister gives strategies to engage skeptical millennials but overgeneralizes their belief • Can we reach a culture that considers our faith irrelevant? • Reaffirming a 75-year-old promise • Paper is ‘a chronicler of life and its challenges’
In this issue:
In the summer of tumultuous 1968, more than 40 prominent black and white ministers gathered to discuss ways to improve race relations in Churches of…
'Today the colossus woke up,” said Dr. Raul Duran, describing the volcanic eruption in his native Guatemala that claimed more than 100 lives as it…
Normally, a team from the Highway Church of Christ in Judsonia, Ark., would be sweating for God in the mountains of Jinotega, Nicaragua. For 15…
Find links below to all the stories in the "50 Years: Racial Reconciliation and the Church" series. Editor's note: A few later installments don't relate directly…
ATLANTA, Ga. — A black man charged, “You want me to lift myself by my own bootstraps, but you are standing on my boots.” A…
OKLAHOMA CITY — If the phrase “Generation Z” makes you think of teenagers plugged into their iPhones, disconnected from the world, get to know Anna…
Covering the 50th anniversary of the Atlanta meeting on race relations in Churches of Christ has me thinking about my own history. I’ve moved about…
As a retired journalist and member of the Lord’s church since 1948, I can say with assurance The Christian Chronicle has conducted business as both…
Maybe that’s enlightenment enough: to know that there is no final resting place of the mind; no moment of smug clarity. Perhaps wisdom ... is…
Forgive? Really? No way. Forgiveness is an intentional, voluntary process. Feelings and attitudes change. We let go of negative emotions. How could I do that?…
Printer’s ink flowed through the veins of Lavella Hicks McMillan at an early age. She was 2 when her preacher father, Olan Hicks, published the…
With unbridled enthusiasm, Olan Hicks launched into the first front-page news story in The Christian Chronicle, a brand-new publication for Churches of Christ dated June…
'Greetings to the readers of the first issue of Christian Chronicle. I am happy to assume the job of editor and publisher of the paper…
Thumbing through the first issue of The Christian Chronicle, dated June 2, 1943, it’s hard to tell that America was fighting a massive war in…
Birthdays Elmo Snelling 104th July 27 Edmonson, Texas. Lloyd Boyll 101st Lloyd Boyll June 5 Abilene, Texas. Anniversaries John and Mary Townley 71st Anniversary June…
AWARDED Michael Benavides, a member of the West Huntsville Church of Christ in Alabama, the Mr. and Mrs. Lee Holder Memorial FHU Bible Scholarship for…
FEATURED IMAGE (above): As students take exams, a lone chicken strolls through the Rwenzori School of Preaching in Kasase, Uganda. UGANDA KASAE — Minister Justin Hopkins…
FEATURE PHOTO (above): A few of the 450 participants at this summer’s Soul Quest share hugs, smile and fake mustaches on the campus of York College…
Words have power. God used words to create the world. The Bible, one of our key access points to God, is full of words —…
Everybody, it seems, has an opinion about Jack Phillips, the Colorado baker in whose favor the U.S. Supreme Court recently issued a 7-2 decision. Sadly,…
The secularization of North America seems to attract ever-increasing attention from the media, sociologists and students of culture (both Christian and not). For many Americans,…
‘People perceive Christians as irrelevant and extreme.” This is the startling assertion by Christian researchers David Kinnaman and Gabe Lyons in “Good Faith.” Sharing results…