Young man with autism has a heart for homeless
CAMARILLO, Calif. — A few miles from the Camarillo Church of Christ, a man with a backpack and a bicycle squats at a busy intersection.…
(14484 KB) Young man with autism has a heart for homeless•Olympics bring golden opportunities to glorify God• Amid massive biker
rally, Bible camp thrives•Open letters on race call for meaningful engagement•How to travel backward through time•Island
living: Sharing the Gospel in American Samoa•Believer lets go of pain & judgment after years of isolation•A fishing
trip to unity
In this issue:
CAMARILLO, Calif. — A few miles from the Camarillo Church of Christ, a man with a backpack and a bicycle squats at a busy intersection.…
DEADWOOD, S.D. — Revving engines of Harleys, Yamahas and Kawasakis are the first clue you’re getting close to Black Hills Bible Camp. For a half-century,…
“One who has unreliable friends soon comes to ruin, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.” — Proverbs 18:24, New International…
Ili’ili, American Samoa — Trade winds pound the surf against the rusting wreckage of a decades-old fishing boat in this sultry, South Pacific paradise. The remains…