In Flint, Obama listens to Church of Christ minister’s concerns
A Church of Christ minister whose Flint, Mich., congregation has been active in helping victims of the city's lead-contaminated water crisis met Wednesday with President…
(6418 KB) Six, newly baptized, die in Pakistan blast • Morgan Freeman hears couple’s ‘Story of God’ • Serving souls who pass ‘through
the paths of the seas’ • Helping church leaders make better decisions • National Lectureship brings out its best • Masters
of media: Four share church ties at Amen Corner • Canadian churches embrace Syrians • Review: “The Good Book”
In this issue:
A Church of Christ minister whose Flint, Mich., congregation has been active in helping victims of the city's lead-contaminated water crisis met Wednesday with President…
A Hawaiian honeymoon sounded perfect, so Neil and Carolyn Myers decided to fly for the first time. Taking off, they were a little apprehensive. “We…
God doesn’t play favorites. Charles Marsalis stresses that message at the Hollygrove Church of Christ, the New Orleans congregation he and his wife, Angela, planted…
BEAMSVILLE, Ontario — As war ravaged their homeland, a Syrian family of eight fled for their lives. The Muslim father, mother and six children —…
The calamity of Ephraim’s children, as detailed in Psalm 78, is something John Roberto prays to avoid: “The children of Ephraim, being armed and carrying bows,…