(405) 425-5070

Write for us

The Christian Chronicle welcomes guest column or op-ed submissions from members and leaders of Churches of Christ. Submissions may be sent to [email protected].

Each submission should include:

  1. The writer’s first and last names
  2. The writer’s home congregation, city and state (if in the U.S.) or country (if not in the U.S.).
  3. A brief bio (two to three sentences) and contact info for the writer (please specify if you’d like your email address to be published with your submission).

Tips for submissions:

  1. Focus on a specific issue or question of importance to our readers.
  2. Use a topical approach, including real-life examples and anecdotes, when possible, to illustrate your main point or idea.
  3. Shoot for a word count between 500 and 600. We rarely have space for longer guest columns or op-eds.
  4. Remember that we are a newspaper, so we tend to focus on timely subjects in the headlines and contemporary issues and questions facing our fellowship. Our format does not afford space for in-depth Bible study or doctrinal debates.
  5. Make it interesting. It may be important, but if it’s boring, nobody will read it.

Because of the volume of submissions received, we cannot offer a personal response to each submission.