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Founded in 1943, The Christian Chronicle is a newspaper dedicated to the highest standards of journalism and Christianity. We seek to provide real news that honors God. When you make a gift to the Chronicle, you become part of our mission to inform, inspire, and unite believers around the world.

The Christian Chronicle by the numbers:

1.6 million
copies printed annually for distribution worldwide.
online visitors each month.
66 percent
of our budget comes from reader donations.

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Giving Opportunities

“I support your ministry because you are the voice for thousands of Christians begging to know what our brothers are doing worldwide for the benefit of the kingdom. We all try to act locally but think globally, and your publication does just that!

“Please keep up the great work!”

Doyle Robinson

I believe that your paper is worthy of support because you cover all that is happening in the church around the world.  It is always good to know that the word of God is not dead but thriving.”

Sarah E. VanHook

“I believe it is important to keep up-to-date as much as possible with what is happening in our brotherhood all over the world.  The Christian Chronicle is one of the ways — and an important one — that I rely on for this information.

“I look forward to each issue.  God bless you!”

Betty Fulford

“I look forward to each edition. It takes a lot of time, energy, and dedication to put out this ‘informative and inspiring’ paper. The variety of articles are written in such a loving way that it is encouraging to read them…

“After reading all the articles I tackle the crossword puzzle (challenging!) and also the word find. It stretches my mind, that’s for sure! May God bless you all as you continue this wonderful ministry.”

Ruth Plumb