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The Memorial Road Church of Christ's "Wonder of Worship" class.
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Voices only: Sacred Selections

Sing along with a medley of classic hymns — and take a lyrical quiz.

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OKLAHOMA CITY — If you love classic hymns, you’re in for a treat!

Every summer my home congregation, the Memorial Road Church of Christ, hosts a Wednesday night class called Wonder of Worship. We learn new hymns and mix in some old ones — most of the time, anyway.

For the Aug. 14 WoW class, worship minister Stephen Maxwell and young adults minster Lee Langdon treated us to an evening of “Sacred Selections,” borrowing the title of the well-known hymnal that many of us grew up using, “Sacred Selections for the Church.”

In this hour-long class you’ll find plenty of classic hymns, including “The Glory-Land Way,” “How Great Thou Art,” “The Lily of the Valley” and many more.

If you go to about the 30-minute mark, you can take a “Sacred Selections Exam” where Stephen and Lee start some well-known hymns and let the audience finish the lyrics.

"Sacred Selections for the Church," circa 1956.

“Sacred Selections for the Church,” circa 1956.

I hope you find this worship class as uplifting as I did.

What a cappella song do you find especially meaningful? Send us a video link and a short description of what the song means to you. We might use your selection in a future Voices Only.

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